Okay, close your eyes and imagine this: a bicycle frame and fork painted Velocity Yellow on the front faded to Hot Pink on the rear with yellow on green decals. Ewww, right?
Let me be honest here folks. I’m not a big fan of fades. If you’re a firefighter and we’re talking about a haircut then yes, I am a fan, but as far as bicycle paint jobs go, usually I am a no-go when it comes to fades. But there are always exceptions and the paint job on this touring bike is one of them.

I remember this bike showing up in the welding department and seeing the paint job on the work order and thinking “Oh no, here we go… this is gonna hurt.”

But in a way, it works.

It’s kinda hot.

I realize that this is my opinion, and so should you, so take it for what it’s worth….

And did I mention that this is a touring bike? I think I did.