Q: How much does it weigh?

A: It weighs 1.1 ounces (in sterling silver) more than it could…. gotta make it legal, right?

BTW: You must click on the above picture to see through the tint to the weave on the top tube… in certain lighting situations (like in our photo studio, or in the sun) the tint really pops.
Kevin (AKA Sparky) is Indy Fab’s lead frame designer and super fast racer. He and his brand-spankin‘-new Corvid are on their way to Bend, Oregon for the Elite Road National Championships. He will be rendezvousing there with the rest of the IFracing team who drove out in the super-duper IFracing suburban. Good luck fellas!

The Indy Fab logos are nothing but clearcoat showing through to the carbon fiber beneath… subtle elegance.

Notice (below) the chain radly crossing over the chainstay? So sweet.

All that power transfer, such a tiny chain….
Bikes are so cool.

Sparky doesn’t know it, but i named his bike Radly… Can I do that??… I think so.