I made a field trip late last week to visit Fred Loucks at his Salmon Falls Woodworks shop to see a number of the pieces that his crew is working on for our new facility.
He’s got an amazing shop, full of every kind of modern and traditional wood working tool that you could imagine. Among the many things that he is working on for us is the 24 linear foot curved bar that will be the centerpiece of our showroom.
Our build station and service area will be behind the bar, and the top will feature built in windows to showcase our favorite components.

My personal favorite is the way that Fred is incorporating our logo into the doors of our custom team lockers. The lockers will be pro-sports style (see the example below) with a large open area topped by lockable cabinets. He is CNC routing our logo into the cabinet doors to provide ventilation. Pretty trick.

Some might think that its silly to spend so much time and resource on stuff like a bar for folks to simply hang out at and pro-style team lockers.
I say nay… one of the most compelling reasons to move out of the hood is to be in a place where we can actually make the audio match the video of our brand.
The locker room and other employee amenities are there to acknowledge that our folks are in fact pros, and part of a very special team. We’ve rebuilt much of our team over the past six months as a necessary part of this move, with some skilled veterans coming back to IF and some fresh young talent signing on. As a result, the clubhouse atmosphere is vastly improved.
We want our new home to be a welcoming place where folks can come in, pull up a seat in the metaphorical kitchen and watch us bake cookies. Folks like Fred and his crew at Salmon Falls Woodworks are helping us set the table.
We look forward to hosting you in our new digs.
sounds like a trip east is in my future….
Independence, that is a nice word, a word that I did not know because I was a slave of ED, but I did Buy cialis and now I am totally independent, free from the ED slavery
You are right Kyle it is a reserve trip in the future to visit that place. I want to see how their dovetail jigs work.
Once I get a passable final chair I’ll be ready to make the keepers. That old growth wood is (relatively) expensive. Probably running about a grand a chair. I’ve had email with the company and in June they expect to have some that will be wide enough for the one piece seat.wood works in chennai